HomePCHalf-Life 2 Cheats & Tips

Half-Life 2 (PC) Cheats & Tips

Your guide for cheat codes, tips, hacks and walkthroughs

Other Resources: Game Ending | Game Review | Screenshots

Unlock Cheat Codes

Start Half-Life 2 with the -console command line parameter.  Then, during the game, press ~ to display the console window.  Type in one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat and then close the console window:  (NOTE: Any code can be activated in the command line parameter simply by adding a "-" before the code).

Cheat Code
Activate Cheats sv_cheats 1 [NOTE]
God Mode god [NOTE]
All Weapons impulse 101 [NOTE]
Walk Through Walls noclip [NOTE]
Spawn with any item give <item name> [See Below]
Spawn a Jeep impulse 82
Reduce Your Health buddha
Be Ignored by NPCs notarget
List All Maps maps
Load Any Map map <map name> [See Below]
Show Crosshairs hud_quickhelp/text? 1
Set the Size of Your Current Weapon (54 is Default) viewmodel_fov <number>
Enable Mouse Look +mlook
Toggle Into Developer Mode (2 is verbose) developer (0-2)
Toggle HUD Display cl_drawhud <0-1>
Toggle HUD Display II cl_enablehud <0-1>
Show Frame Rate cl_showfps <0-1>
Execute Script File exec <filename>
Control Gravity sv_gravity <number>
Change Air Density air_density <number>
Control Length of Confusion from Explosions dsp_explosion_effect_duration <number>
Control World Friction sv_friction <number>
Set Minimum Stopping Speed on Ground sv_stopspeed <number>
Set Maximum Velocity of Moving Objects sv_maxvelocity <number>

NOTE: The sv_cheats 1 Codes is need to enable God Mode, Walk Through Walls, and All Weapons.

Load Levels

Start Half-Life 2 with the -console command line parameter.  Then, during the game, press ~ to display the console window.  Type in map [a level code below] and press Enter to load that level:

Level Level Code
Canals 1 d1_canals_01
Canals 2 d1_canals_02
Canals End d1_canals_end
Tempanals 2 d1_tempanals_02
Town 1 d1_town_01
Town 2 d1_town_02
Town 3 d1_town_03
Town 4 d1_town_04
Town 5 d1_town_05
Train Station 1 d1_trainstation_01
Train Station 2 d1_trainstation_02
Train Station 3 d1_trainstation_03
Train Station 4 d1_trainstation_04
Train Station 5 d1_trainstation_05
Under 1 d1_under_01
Under 2 d1_under_02
Under 3 d1_under_03
Under 4 d1_under_04
Coast 1 d2_coast_01
Coast 2 d2_coast_02
Coast 3 d2_coast_03
Coast 4 d2_coast_04
Coast 4 (2) d2_coast_04_dx60
Coast 5 d2_coast_05
Coast 6 d2_coast_06
Coast 7 d2_coast_07
Coast 8 d2_coast_08
Prison 1 d2_prison_01
Prison 2 d2_prison_02
Prison 3 d2_prison_03
Prison 4 d2_prison_04
Prison 5 d2_prison_05
C17 3 d3_c17_03
C17 4 d3_c17_04
C17 5 d3_c17_05
C17 6a d3_c17_06a
C17 6b d3_c17_06b
C17 7 d3_c17_07

Spawn Weapons

Start Half-Life 2 with the -console command line parameter.  Then, during the game, press ~ to display the console window.  Type in give [a weapon code below] and press Enter to spawn that weapon:

Weapon Weapon Code
Alyxgun weapon_alyxgun
AR1 weapon_ar1
AR2 weapon_ar2
Bug Bait weapon_bugbait
Crowbar weapon_crowbar
Frag Grenade weapon_frag
Physcannon weapon_physcannon
Physgun weapon_physgun
Pistol weapon_pistol
RPG weapon_rpg
Shotgun weapon_shotgun
SMG weapon_smg1
SMG 2 weapon_smg2
Cube Map weapon_cubemap

Spawn Items

Start Half-Life 2 with the -console command line parameter.  Then, during the game, press ~ to display the console window.  Type in give [an item code below] and press Enter to spawn that item:

Item Item Code
Box of Buckshot item_box_buckshot
Box of M Rounds item_box_mrounds
Box of Sniper Rounds item_box_sniper_rounds
Box of S Rounds item_box_srounds
Health Kit item_healthkit
Battery item_battery
Suit item_suit
ML Grenade item_ml_grenade
AR2 Grenade item_ar2_grenade
Health Vial item_healthvial